Path Of Exile 3.0 Fall Of Oriath Unique Items
As the Path Of Exile 3.0 Fall Of Oriath gets closer. Today we are looking at some of the new and exciting unique items that are going to be part of the Fall Of Oriath expansion. While these items are very interesting, we also want to make sure that you fine folks know about our Path Of Exile Orbs Hot Sale, where our POE Orbs are the lowest price in town!

Speaker's Wreath

Think of the Speaker's Wreath as being similar to The Baron which was introduced in legacy League. With this, you will be a better leader as you accumulate dexterity. Your minions will have improved movement speed and be better at attacking. They will still need your help with the final, killing blow, but that is part of the fun.

This is some really cool body armor and what is awesome about this is that it has been designed for trap builds which makes it quite unique. Frenzy chargers are normally hard to generate when you are a trapper, but this gives you the chance to do it more easily. Also, it provides some really cool recovery mechanisms. The cool down on this is also very nice!
Soul Tether

We really like the idea of the Soul Tether. It changes up the way your Energy Shield works. Your Energy Shield will be a pool for the extra life that you get instead of acting as a barrier. We think it sounds very interesting, but if you stay out of action for too long it will stop working!
Ahn's Might

Many of you had a lot of fun with Ahn's Heritage and in the right hands, Ahn's Might will be just as good. The idea here is that it will give you perks for different charge states. Full Frenzy charges and of course no Frenzy charges are what this is about and it is said to work very well with Lacerate.
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Speaker's Wreath

Think of the Speaker's Wreath as being similar to The Baron which was introduced in legacy League. With this, you will be a better leader as you accumulate dexterity. Your minions will have improved movement speed and be better at attacking. They will still need your help with the final, killing blow, but that is part of the fun.

This is some really cool body armor and what is awesome about this is that it has been designed for trap builds which makes it quite unique. Frenzy chargers are normally hard to generate when you are a trapper, but this gives you the chance to do it more easily. Also, it provides some really cool recovery mechanisms. The cool down on this is also very nice!
Soul Tether

We really like the idea of the Soul Tether. It changes up the way your Energy Shield works. Your Energy Shield will be a pool for the extra life that you get instead of acting as a barrier. We think it sounds very interesting, but if you stay out of action for too long it will stop working!
Ahn's Might

Many of you had a lot of fun with Ahn's Heritage and in the right hands, Ahn's Might will be just as good. The idea here is that it will give you perks for different charge states. Full Frenzy charges and of course no Frenzy charges are what this is about and it is said to work very well with Lacerate.
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