Path of Exile: Get Rich Quick with These Tips

It has been discussed many times about Path of Exile and its currency system; or lack thereof. Even though the currency system that is vastly different from any other online game out there at the moment, it still requires players to find new and innovative ways to make the most out of farming for orbs in the Path of Exile.

Getting to that point where you can afford that legendary weapon for your favourite character might take some time, but with these tips, I can assure that you will get there a whole lot quicker with them - rather than without them.
Path of Exile: Get Rich Quick with These Tips
Equip your Best Equipment

This tip is fairly simple in retrospective to some of the later tips, but it's going to be one that a surprising amount of players ignore – when they really shouldn't:

Equip the very best equipment and items that you've got!

You're going to always want the best equipment on hand for whatever character you're playing. Heck, if you even manage to get a steal on an item that makes your loot drop chance that much higher, then I would recommend spending your poe currency for it; providing you think it's worth it. There's a reason the term "you've got to spend money to make money" is applicable in games such as this, and it's still true in this case.

Now, I'm not saying spend more poe currency that you're earning, but at times that small investment could mean the difference between spending only 1 hour farming/grinding and an entire day and failing to get anywhere.

Short Maps are Preferred

When you're running around, picking up gear and items to sell for a profit, you're going to want to pick maps that are quick, easy, and efficient all rolled into one. As a result of this, you're going to want to avoid any map that you wouldn't personally consider linear and while the non-linear maps may take longer, but it could prove you with some better items to sell. However, even with that knowledge, if you look at the maths of the situation you will come to realise that the amount of extra time wasted running into dead-ends, getting lost, and the like – you're ultimately going to lose out on time and currency; the one thing we're trying to avoid.

Some high-level tier maps that I would recommend keeping an eye out for to get the most out of your farming session:
More details you can click this link:


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