Why is Elder Scrolls Online Pay to Play?

MMORPG's have been around for a long time, and each one has their own system when it comes to dealing with their monetary gains. Some choose to use the F2P method and sell to their players microtransactions for in-game bonuses to give them the leg-up on the competition or even on cosmetics. Others may use the subscription service, similar to games such as World of Warcraft that has kept the same system for over 10 years now at this point. Then, of course, there is what games like Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2 have opted for; known as the pay to play method. In simple terms, how it works is that you pay a one-time fee, like you would any game, and then you have access to everything in the game – with the exception of the expansions, until you pay for them.
Why is Elder Scrolls Online Pay to Play?
With this knowledge in mind, why is Elder Scrolls Online a pay to play model in comparison to anything else then? Well, the developers stated previously that they never wished for Elder Scrolls Online to be a F2P game, as it meant they had to implement some more nit-picking practices into the game that would take away from the overall experience of the game. Hence why the pay to play nature of the game is a nice middle ground, which makes a lot of sense when you consider how the game's model originally was.

Originally, the game's model required you to purchase the game on PC, PS4, or Xbox One, depending on your preferred platform first of all. Then, after purchasing the game, you would need to pay for a monthly subscription to keep playing the game. For the first year in the game's lifespan the developers stuck to this model, but it turned out the subscription numbers were slowly dwindling; meaning that less and less people were playing the game. After about a year of this subscription model, the developers decided that the subscription model was to be no more and simply owning the game would be enough to play the game. (more)


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