Is Elder Scrolls Online Worth Playing In 2018?

Hey, guy! Would you play ESO in 2018?
Well, there is our answer.

Have you joined in the Elder Scrolls Online worlds? If you need to buy cheap eso gold, please come to now. Ok, so let's actually discuss this. ESO has done nothing but add and fix relentlessly to make this game something worth playing. Problem is, how I view it, there's a couple of layers here. Layers of influence and opinion. It's like an apple. You crack one of them open and voilà, you've got layers.

You have the people who haven't touched the game but listen to surrounding voices and base their opinion on that. You've got the 5, 10, 20-hour players, who think they've got the entire game figured out by level 50. Then, you've got the addicted players, who simply play to complain. And then, there's the people that genuinely enjoy the game, still notice the flaws, but get this: they don't freak out! In fact, they voice constructive criticism.

Never Players:
- Formulate Personal Opinion Based On Others

Beginner Pros:
- Got The Game(And Their Opinionated Review)
Figured Out In 20 Hours

"I Hate This Game" Players
- Take Them Very Seriously As They Clearly Want The Best For This Game

Constructive Criticism Player:
- Will Still Voice The Cons, But Out Of Love For The Game

How can one play a game and actually like it?
Like, not just wine and complain 24/7 as they play it 24/7?
That's a good question! Actually, that's a stupid question, but I expected no more from some with a dominion brain.

ESO has gone-- let's put it this way. Elder Scrolls Online has gone from being a cold cup of coffee to a fresh cup of coffee. And you know, with that hazelnut cream stuff, and like, a little placemat. And you know what? Chris Pratt is there too. Something along those lines. Before anything else should be talked about, the general gameplay has improved phenomenally. It's smooth, bugs are being dealt with. Sometimes later than sooner, but in the end, the game is fully playable and a good experience.

The next thing to talk about is, what is there to do? Three words "EM-EM-OH". I ran into a level 4 the other day, and he told me- you know what he told me?

He told me that the game was empty and that there was nothing to do. I then proceeded to tell him, "You know, you should probably finish the tutorial first." Elder Scrolls online base game already has quite a bit of content. Then you've got Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves' Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and Shadow of the Hist. And that was pre-2017.

In 2017 alone, we've god homestead, build your home, not a DLC and not an expansion, but still, a massive addition. More dungeons to grind your gears, and clockward city, which takes a lore sledgehammer to your face.

And now, it's 2018, and we already have our very first DLC coming in February, Dragon Bones. Plus, alongside Dragon Bones, they have this patch. And no, I wouldn't call it just a patch. It's like a pan of freaking good, freshly-baked cookies. They're fixing tons of problems with the games, balancing things out, and although, obviously, it's not going to make the game perfect, unlike these cookies, it's definitely moving in the right direction.

On top of that, there's already promise of tons of new content and events. And if it's anything like 2017, we are going to be up to our eyes in great content. Let's just ignore that explosion of Morrowind patch notes, we don't need that. We probably shouldn't speak of that.

But that's just content. The ESO community continues to grow as well, and you're definitely going to have people to play with, guilds to join, events to participate in, vendettas against people in PVP, and all that other good stuff. Even if you're socially awkward.

Now, I uttered some letters back there. Three of them to be precise. PVP. It stands to Psycho's Victory Place. In all honesty, PVP has seen its fair share of unbalanced gameplay, and we'll continue to see that unbalanced gameplay throughout its entire lifetime. But with every patch, with every Nerf, they come a little bit closer to getting rid of stupid OP exploits. At times, PVP is being about as balanced as...

But with this recent note of patches, things are seeming to move in a much better direction. Now, going into 2018, Zaza is going to continue to deliver when it comes to Elder Scrolls Online. If you're wondering if Elder Scrolls Online is worth playing in 2018, what it involves, what you can be in the game, literally, everything you want, you can choose your class, your race, your playstyle; if you want to be in a guild, a group, or go solo; if you want to engage in a-- roleplaying. You kidding me? Don't you have a drinking problem?

You've got regions to explore, achievements to gain, quests to complete, skill lines to learn, ways to get rich, own and decorate your own house. Honestly, when it comes to Elder Scrolls Online, it's endless. Right when you think you've done it all, boom! New DLC, new events, new rewards. 2018 will not disappoint with content. Yes, you will run into bugs every so often. Yes, salty will hate your guts when you spam boast knives. And yes, you will have terrible RNG.  But that just adds to being a part of Elder Scrolls Online. You can decide whether or not it's worth it to you.

But one thing is for sure. One way to become the master, the greatest ever, is that you need to become a master angler.


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