Fast Way of Farming Orbs in Path of Exile

Orbs aren't easy to get in Path of Exile. They serve as a form of poe currency. So, you can trade some rare orbs for powerful equipment or other kinds of orbs that you might need later. To get the full potential of a character, you need to combine different factors.

For some, getting orbs for their characters involve lots of searching and trading. But if you are smart enough, there are ways by which you can ensure that loot drop odds favor you and farming becomes easier for you.

If you want to farm Chaos orbs faster, you will need a rare gear caliber or better equipping quality. Having better equipment will increase your chances of farming Chaos orbs successfully. You should also know that you can't farm orbs in Path of Exile in mere minutes or seconds. It takes some time.

Farming on Mao Kun
Farming on Mao Kun
Mao Kun is a really rewarding map. This map gives you a better chance of getting Path of Exile Exalted and Chaos orbs. You can get as much as five orbs in this map without spending too much time. The map has the highest 'item quantity found mod' for a map in the game.

Farming on Fellshire Ruins
Farming on Fellshire Ruins
Fellshire ruins is one of the fastest and quickest spots for farming Chaos Orbs in POE.

Arsenal Farming or Abandoned Wealth Cards

When you collect 5 Abandoned Wealth cards, you get 3 Exalted orbs. The Vault map and the Arsenal map will give you Abandoned Wealth cards. Arsenal maps are far cheaper than vault maps so you should stick to Arsenal maps. In one single run, you can have 5 Abandoned Wealth cards which will give you 3 Exalted orbs. You can do this over and over again for more orbs.

Increase Your Item Quantity Build

Increasing your item quantity build will give you a great chance of looting currency items in the game. This will help you farm orbs faster. Equip quality or rare gear caliber.

Chancing Items

If you chance a Glorious Plate into Kaom's heart, you can get 25 Exalted Orbs. You can chance Spine Bow into Voltaxic Rift bow at 20-50 Exalted Orbs. If you have Occultist's Vestments, you can turn them into Shavronne's Wrappings. These cost about 20 Exalted Orbs. But if you get the 6L ones, you can get as much as 50 Exalted Orbs for them.


Orbs could be difficult to get in POE. But if you follow the steps above, you can farm orbs faster in Path of Exile. Be careful to only carry around valuable items with you. Also keep in mind that increasing your 'item quantity' will give you better chances of looting currency items in the game. Remember that farming takes time in Path of Exiles. It is not a matter of mere seconds or minutes. The better you farm, you will have the chance to buy more poe orbs. You also have to protect your products while farming. If the crops are destroyed in any way, you have to start from the beginning again.

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